I see you right around the corner. TGIF! Except that means I've got a ton of stuff to do in the next few days. Before you know it January will be gone.
I went to my Stitch N' Bitch group last night...first time in a long time I was actually able to make it. We had to move locations and are now in the coffee shop area of Borders which is actually better than the coffee shop we were meeting in before. I was planning on working on an afghan square but it seemed to complicated to work on and talk so I worked on the second yoga sock. Here's the first one:
See my little dolphin tattoo peeking out?
I cast these on for the Eclipsing Blue Moon Cast On and actually finished the first one that night (well, it was around 2am when #1 was done). It's pretty quick when they don't have a heel or toe. Maybe I'll start making all my socks this way. The yarn is one that I dyed myself at Sock Camp last year. It was my "uncomfortable colors" and I thought that would be fitting to use for yoga socks since yoga is rather "uncomfortable" for me. I should have plenty left after the socks so maybe I'll do some wrist warmers too. I really like the way the colors look as they are knitted up...such pretty stripes.
I still haven't rounded up the UFOs lurking in the spare room (aka the yarn room). That's on the list for this weekend.
Love them!! The color is great too!!
I love them! What pattern did you use? The color is pretty great, too!
Here's the link to the pattern on Ravelry. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pilates-or-yoga-socks Super easy!
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