Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crazy for Disney

As most of you know Josh and I love going to Disneyland (we like Disney World too but much prefer Disneyland). I got Josh a membership to D23 for Christmas and soon found out they were having a 1 year anniversary party for the club in March (March 10th to be precise). Since I had to teach on Saturday we realized we would have to do a quick out and back trip which was just as crazy as it sounded. We left Denver at 9am on Wednesday morning arriving first at In n'Out for lunch at 11am (PST). Then it was on to the park where we walked in the gates shortly after Noon. Keep in mind Josh just had his ACL replaced just 3 weeks ago but he was trucking around the park like he was good as new. There wasn't much of a crowd so we got on a lot of the rides. I made Josh go to see the newly re-opened Captain Eo. I had never seen it before and was thoroughly amused by the total 80-ness of it. I think Josh wanted to poke his eyes out.

We had planned on going back to the hotel to rest a bit but ended up staying in the park until the anniversary party started at 9pm. We then proceeded to ride every ride in Fantasyland, eat lots of desserts (YUM!) and met Dan Robuck (Dr. Arzt from LOST). He even held my sock (dude, I got some Arzt on my sock)

I also took my Queen Alice socks on the teacup ride (you can check out the picture on my Ravelry project page from the previous link). These are from the Woolgirl Alice sock club. A fabulous design by the wonderful Carrie (aka Irishgirlieknits). I am loving this pattern and I especially like the idea of taking all my Alice in Wonderland socks to Disneyland to visit. Mad Hatter comes out in April so I guess those just have to go to sock camp with me because I don't think I could justify a trip to Seattle AND Anaheim in the same month.

The party was over at midnight and we got back to the hotel around 12:30am or so. Then up again at 7am to head back to the park until 2pm then back to the airport to fly home. We arrived home around 9pm Thursday night and then had to go to work the next day. Crazy? Yes! But did we have a blast? You bet!

I was happy to find some Cheshire cat tails treats that I had seen DisneyD23 tweet about earlier this month. Apparently they are only available for a limited time so I'm glad we got to try them because they were marshmallow, caramel and frosting heaven on a stick! Notice how nicely they coordinate with my outfit of the day.

But shhhhhhhhh....don't tell my trainer.


IrishGirlieKnits said...

How fun are you two!! I heart disneyland and have been dying to take lil' snowboarder there!

So glad you are enjoying your Queen Alice socks!!

knittinggolfer said...

wow! you jet setters!
and you look like the cheshire cat too! ;-)

cupcakefaerie said...

What fun!